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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Longstanding Research Commitment to Tree Breeding Leads to Increased Efficiencies

When the Almond Board’s research program began in 1973, one of the first projects funded was traditional almond breeding research. Focused on improving almond varieties and rootstocks, this research has been ongoing with University of California experts each year since, and aims to develop high yielding almond trees that produce high quality nuts with favorable agricultural traits like low susceptibility...

Events, Growing Good
Technology and Tradition Come Together at Annual Environmental Stewardship Tour

More than 56 attendees from local, state and federal regulatory agencies, along with media, elected officials, and other invited guests, saw first-hand how technology is helping fourth-generation almond grower, sheller, and packer Travaille & Phippen adapt to a changing regulatory and market landscape for California almonds. The Almond Board’s 13 th annual Environmental Stewardship Tour in May showcased current and...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Make It Mediterranean for Good Health

There?s no shortage of research demonstrating the health benefits of eating the Mediterranean way. Research suggests that following a Mediterranean pattern of eating may help stabilize blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease and other health issues. May is International Mediterranean Diet Month, so now is the perfect time to learn more about how to incorporate this way of eating into your lifestyle.

Growing Good
Almond Board Expands Groundwater Recharge Program with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Partnership

Almond Board of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) recently announced a new partnership focused on better understanding subsurface water storage, quality and movement in relation to almond orchard groundwater recharge test sites. This important research builds on the Almond Board?s ongoing research efforts to understand the potential of using California?s almond orchards for groundwater recharge.

Growing Good
California Almond Exports Help Feed the World, Support State and U.S. Economies

This post was written by Stanislaus County almond grower Jim Jasper of Stewart and Jasper Orchards. Stewart & Jasper has expanded over the years and is now an integrated operation involving thousands of acres - a leader in hulling, shelling, processing and marketing almonds to California and the world through both wholesale and retail channels. Jasper has made service to...

Growing Good
Davis Enterprise Op-Ed: Almond Growers Focus on Water Efficiency

President and CEO of the Almond Board of California, Richard Waycott, recently penned an opinion piece for the Davis Enterprise about the California almond community?s long-standing commitment to efficient, responsible and sustainable use of water resources to irrigate almond orchards ? something that has continued throughout the drought and even after a winter of El Ni?o storms.