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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Events, Growing Good, Health & Wellness
National Ag Day Celebrates Contribution of Farmers To Life in America and the World

Almond Board at "Ag Day at the Capitol"California’s 6,800 almond growers joined our state’s more than 80,000 farms and ranches to mark National Ag Day on March 15, recognizing and celebrating all the contributions agriculture makes to American life. This year’s theme, “Agriculture: Stewards of a Healthy Planet,” resonates strongly with the California almond community and underscores our longstanding commitment...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Almond Farmers Never Stop Learning

This post was written by Kern County almond grower Jenny Holtermann and originally appeared on her blog, You Say All-mend, I Say Am-end on Dec. 4, 2015. As Jenny describes, The Almond Conference is this week, Dec. 8-10, at the Sacramento Convention Center. Close to 3,000 attendees representing all facets of the California Almond industry will take part in educational...

Health & Wellness
Almonds May be Tied to Reduced Blood Sugar Levels
Health & Wellness
New 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Spotlight Almonds

Earlier this month, the United States Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services released the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, an essential nutrition resource. The Dietary Guidelines are updated every five years to provide Americans with more effective nutritional information and guide many of the nation?s food and nutrition programs. While the recommendations have remained relatively consistent over time, the Dietary Guidelines have evolved as scientific knowledge has grown. Most notably, this release includes a focus on the overall dietary pattern, with plant-based foods, like almonds, front and center.

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Almond Orchard Experience Brings Farming to Life for Nutrition and Fitness Experts

For the sixth year in a row, the Almond Board of California brought together about two dozen prominent nutrition and fitness professionals from all over the U.S. and Canada for a three-day, hands-on ?Almond Orchard Experience? covering production, nutrition research, and culinary applications of almonds, so the attendees could learn and share their learnings in traditional and social media. Attendees...