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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
How long is an almond orchard productive?

This post was written by Kern County almond farmer Jenny Holtermann and originally appeared on her blog, You Say All-mend, I Say Am-end on Sept. 15, 2016. Jenny discusses the life cycle of almond trees, comparing the need to pull out a 28-year-old orchard nearing the end of its productive life while at the same time experiencing the first harvest...

Growing Good
Pollinators and Farmer Win Big with Blooming Buffet for Bees

Did you know that without bees and other pollinators like them, almonds – along with many of our other favorite foods – simply wouldn't exist? It’s true. Lakhy Sran, partner and second-generation farmer at the Fresno County-based Sran Family Orchards, knows how important a healthy bee population is to almonds and crops around the United States. We’re proud to say...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Adopting and Protecting the Mediterranean Diet

With its cool winters and hot summers, California’s Central Valley offers unique and ideal growing conditions for many diverse crops that are eaten in a “Mediterranean diet,” including our favorite -- almonds. The Mediterranean diet reflects a traditional eating pattern found in the countries of the Mediterranean region of Europe. This style of eating is plant-forward, emphasizing fruits and vegetables...

Food Inspiration, Health & Wellness
Here Are Some Basics About Almond Milk

Because we often get questions about almond milk, we wanted to answer the most frequently asked -- just for you. Almond milk seems like it’s getting really popular, right? Yes, almond milk is increasingly popular. According to Nielsen, sales of milk substitutes grew strongly in 2015 at 9.2%. But almond milk outpaced the rest of the milk substitutes category, with...

ABC Represents the Almond Community at 2016 Farm Tank Summit

Through an informational booth and speaking opportunities, Almond Board of California (ABC) represented the California almond community at last month’s 2016 Farm Tank Summit. ABC CEO Richard Waycott spoke on the Food Business Panel with other industry experts including Nick Kastle (The Morning Star Company), Jennifer Maloney (Bayer CropScience), Matt Wadiak (Blue Apron), Soren Bjorn (Driscoll’s), and Jon Bansen (Organic...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness

Building on the recent announcement from FDA about new guidance on the term healthy and how almonds–full of naturally good fats*–now meet the updated definition, there’s more good nutrition news to share: a one ounce serving of almonds now provides half of the daily needs for vitamin E and is a significant source of magnesium and riboflavin, too. As a...