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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Almond Board Commits $2.5M to Next-Gen Farming Practices

Yesterday, we announced that we’re investing $2.5 million to independent, third party research into next-generation farming practices. This will be distributed across 56 different projects including thirteen water projects, nine honey bee health projects, and ongoing support for the California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP) 1. We are, above everything else, Californians. When it comes to the drought, we share the...

Growing Good
Almonds Are Not a Particularly Thirsty Crop

The share line on Robin Abcarian?s piece in the LA Times says it all: ?Picking on almond farmers might be all the rage, but it will do nothing to solve the state?s water shortage.?

Growing Good
Blooming Plants in Almond Orchards Enrich Both Soil and Honey Bees

Almond grower Gino Favagrossa plants blooming seeds in the orchard to provide additional food source for bees after almond pollination, to enrich the soil with nutrients and improve the soil so water can better reach the tree roots.Across California’s Central Valley, many almond growers plant blooming seeds in or near their orchards to keep bees happy, enrich the soil with...

Growing Good
National Pollinator Week - Taking Care of Our Hardest Workers

In honor of National Pollinator Week, it is important to recognize the mutually beneficial relationship between almonds and honey bees that enables both to survive and thrive. Without a healthy bee population to pollinate our blossoms, there would be no almonds and without almond blossoms, bees would lose their first major natural source of food in the spring that makes them stronger after a long winter.

Growing Good
The Business of Almonds

The extent of the almond industry’s impact on California’s economy is wide-reaching According to the UC Agricultural Issues Center, almonds generate more than 100,000 jobs and add more than $21 billion gross revenue across all industries 1, since the jobs generated by the almond industry reach far and beyond the farm and processing plant. Jobs generated in the almond industry...

Growing Good
California’s Mediterranean Climate

One of the reasons people love California is for the sunshine. But people aren’t the only ones that love California’s weather. Almond trees thrive here because California is one of the few places on earth with a Mediterranean climate perfect for growing them.